Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Ammon is good so far today. He has an antibiotic at 3:00 P.M. and then we get to leave with a Day Pass. We can be gone for as long as 8 hours, cause that is when his next antibiotic is. He also got all cleaned up! Thanks for all of the love and prayers!

We heard great news today before we went away. A social worker came in and told us that Ammon can go back to where we are staying on Wednesday after his VAC change that day! If now Wednesday, we can for sure on Friday i believe! So that is great!

We just got back from Ammon's day pass today. We drove around for a while, and then went to the mall. Then we went to Walmart, and Ammon and I got in those mechanical chairs and were drifting between aisles and so forth. After that we went to Dairy Queen! We went back to where we are staying and ate and took a little nap. Ammon is now back at the Hospital about to get his antibiotic . . .

Ridin' free and easy.

1 comment:

Annalee said...

What a strong, loving family! You are all missed so much here in your Ward and neighborhood. Ammon, you are in our prayers day and night as are all of your family members. You have strengthened our testimonies by your strength, courage and the miracles that we see in your amazing recovery so far. We have followed your blog since we heard of the accident. We look forward to your homecoming and you will remain in our prayers. What a plan the Lord must have for you!
With Love,
Annalee Johnson & family